If you’ve ever tried searching Google for “team collaboration tools” or “team collaboration assessment tools”, I’m sure you have already discovered that the results are varied and cover many different areas of cross-function collaboration, employee engagement, productivity, HR software and even employee performance management.
The results indicate 'collaboration' is a varied topic and it's impact are felt across the business. We wanted to simplify the process of improving cross-team collaboration, and cross-functional collaboration, by creating an easy to use collaboration assessment tool. With this tool, we score your company's collaboration in multiple categories so you can then improve the area what the impact has highest return on investment.
Our ‘Team Collaboration Health Check’ assessment tool is designed to help you gain more understanding about key aspects or your organisation, employees, culture and technology which influence your team collaboration effectiveness. You can read below why we undertaken this effort and how we can help you to get started!

Why is cross-functional collaboration so important?
No two companies, even if they’re both startups competing in the same market, are exactly the same.
What makes companies different, what evolves their culture, what gives them competitive advantage - Is their people, and those people which make all these difference are super-charged when they can collaborate effectively with one another.
Think about all the elements in your business which positively influence collaboration among employees…
Think about all the elements in your business which negatively influence collaboration among employees…
Now think about what you would prioritize to improve these positive and negative influences…
Now think about what blockers are stopping your team collaboration effectiveness…
Now think about which team collaboration KPIs most positively effect your company’s strategic goals…
Now think about what improvements your employees would suggest to improve team collaboration and cross-functional communication…
Like the results from the Google search we first mentioned in this article, the subject of the ‘importance of team collaboration’ is almost limitless. It can be confusing to know where to start to make improvements, but making a start on improving team collaboration is now widely recognized a business critical success for startups and fast growth scaleups.
Startups, corporations, unicorns and global blue chips are introducing cross-team collaboration tools, team effectiveness strategies and remote-first working best practices around the globe to scale their businesses more successfully, at a faster rate than ever seen before.

However findings from a recent detailed study by Harvard Business Review of 95 teams in 25 market leading organizations state that nearly 75% of cross-functional teams are dysfunctional.
The root cause lies in appropriate cross-functional communication, shared goals, cross-team collaboration best practice, team collaboration software tool usage and team collaboration analytics.
What is the purpose of cross-team collaboration?
In the post-pandemic work environment, cross-functional collaboration is part of every business, every day. The changes adopted in rapid pace got us over the the past couple of years, but are you sure all the practices are at the optimal capacity?
Our quick team collaboration assessment tool focuses on helping you uncover actionable recommendations to improve cross-team collaboration, your internal meeting culture and strategic alignment. It's not supposed to give you all the answers, but it will guide you to pick the high impact or low scoring aspects of your team's collaboration patterns.
To achieve this we look into 6 critical influencing factors:
By taking our short team collaboration survey, you can sum up quick wins you can implement today and future ideas for better company alignment.
Benefits of improving cross-team collaboration
"Now we truly understand the analytics behind how our teams collaborate and get work done, we can make continual improvements and align team collaboration KPI's to our strategic company goals more effectively"
Companies who started their journey with Flowtrace by taking our inter-team collaboration survey and then using our platform to gain deep team level collaboration analytics have uncovered many benefits.
The primary beneficial aspects our clients have given feedback on:
- “A significant and positive change in momentum”
- “More scope for everybody to learn through cross-team knowledge sharing”
- “Everyone feels safe ‘Challenging the norm’ through cross-team communication in our public slack channels”
- “We have reduced our information silos and our teams can easily find information created by other teams”
You can start your journey to improve cross-team collaboration by taking our free health check below: